Friday, November 14, 2008

Raising Girls

The social pressure to fit a "perfect" mold have been there since I can remember - but now that we have girls to raise, and one in middle school who was being made fun of for not knowing that Hollister was...(a clothing store with outrageous prices and limited coverage clothing)... well, I'm overwhelmed sometimes. How will Don and I raise three girls, always finding the way to bolster their self esteem and their sense of worth? I don't have the answers - but the healthy lifestyle Don and I try to lead every day surely will help. Nutrition, exercise... telling them every day they are smart, talented and beautiful - telling them that the media is NOT the mirror, nor their shallow friends who would judge them on their clothing label.[cp-documentid=7049560]/

Take a quick moment to watch Onslaught and Evolution. Crazy.