3x/week boot camp, $220
Kettlebell, $45ish
Planking with a KB on your back, hangin out with my buddies for a work out before the Christmas eating madness... PRICELESS.
Happy New Year.
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
An interesting video- though snopes says it's a hoax. It still got me thinking about sodas - those filled with sugar or with poison (artificial chemical sweeteners). So - when working a full time office job - stuck under florescent lights for 60 hours a week - I would drink 3-4 diet dr peppers a day to keep myself going. It's a familiar story for many of us.. you never eat right, you multi-task, you work all night, you suffer from stress in balancing family and career and you neglect your fitness which is always last on the list. Add the DDP to the list of my nutrition for the day - it's not surprising what I weighted and how I looked when I walked into my first CFC boot camp.
So - back to those pesky sodas... my husband always gave gave me hassle over my DDP habit, saying I'm killing my brain. I worked my way down to 2-3 per day, and after starting with CFC, maybe 1 per day as I focused more on nutrition. After taking Robb Wolf's nutrition seminar, and pondering this video more - I'll never touch them again... My last one was on Wedneday of last week. DONE. Kelly, are you reading? Put down that Diet Coke - now.