Monday, September 22, 2008

Jeremy Thiel - Intense

CrossFit has many faces - elite athletes to intermediates and beginners - but CrossFit leaves no one behind (who don't want to be be left behind, I should clarify). What CrossFit means to me is pushing your hardest - striving for excellence. Jeremy has been my coach for a year and a half, and I've worked for him for about a year -- and this is him. Intense, competitive, giving 100%. He brings this to all things he does - if it's coaching my Lake Pointe boot camp, coaching youth programs, doing personal training, running free community programs, etc. Who doesn't want a coach like that?

Check out Carey to the far left - I think she's yelling louder than Jeremy. Watch the video - look for the Sat Sept 20th post. Awsome and inspiring.