Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Into week #2 of 2008 and the start of month #11 working out with CrossFit Central.

My goal is boot camp 3x a week with Jeremy and meet Carey in the gym 2x week. I can't load the weights like the others yet, or do a good kipping pull-up, but I'm going to get there. My legs are jello, and my arms tired, but I'm loving it. No picture, cause it would just be me lying on the ground.... Got to get ready for Spring Break - and 10 weeks till I turn the big 40. Hopefully, there is a beach in my future.

Friday, January 4, 2008


My "other" job, other than mom, wife, CrossFit and Strategic Oxygen -- Girl Scouts. The next two months will test my willpower. I'm the service unit coordinator for cookie sales in the Lakeway area - supplying 40 troops of girl scouts with cookies to sell mid January to late February. This is what 2,500 cases look like in the garage - 30,000 boxes -- the garage that sometimes serves as our boot camp location in rainy conditions. I got my own work out today helping unload the truck.

Willpower - how many will I eat? How many will I buy? Buy some cookies this season - and if you don't want them around the house because you will eat them - donate a box to Operation Cookie to send to our military troops overseas.... This is a great cause, and supports a great organization - helping girls grow strong. Girl power, baby!